Artwork for The Daily Crumb WhatsApp Zach Day or Night: +1 (513) 205-5983 Welcome to The Daily Crumb – 15 minutes of unfiltered, uncut, and raw reflections on life, faith, and the pursuit of truth. Every morning, I (Zach) share my journey – the highs, the lows, the questions, and the answers – as I navigate this wild adventure of following Jesus in the real world. No scripts, no edits, just genuine moments that challenge, encourage, and invite you to dive deeper into your own walk of faith. Whether you’re here to wrestle with doubts, find inspiration, or just need a bit of realness in your day, you've come to the right place. Grab your coffee, tune in, and let’s rise together.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

The Daily Crumb WhatsApp Zach Day or Night: +1 (513) 205-5983 Welcome to The Daily Crumb – 15 minutes of unfiltered, uncut, and raw reflections on life, faith, and the pursuit of truth. Every morning, I (Zach) share my journey – the highs, the lows, the questions, and the answers – as I navigate this wild adventure of following Jesus in the real world. No scripts, no edits, just genuine moments that challenge, encourage, and invite you to dive deeper into your own walk of faith. Whether you’re here to wrestle with doubts, find inspiration, or just need a bit of realness in your day, you've come to the right place. Grab your coffee, tune in, and let’s rise together.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo